The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Wayne Jenkins

First Baptist Church
Alexandria, Virginia

Date of Prayer: 02/12/2003

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Dear Father,
I lift up to you the members of the House of Representatives, their staff members, their spouses and their children. Draw them into personal relationship with you. Reveal yourself to them. Fill them with your Holy Spirit. By the authority of Jesus Christ, cast out all dark and evil spirits. Allow no influence to come near to them except that which is first filtered through the light of your Son, Jesus Christ. Cover them with the blood of Christ. Seal them with the cross of Christ. Redeem them by your grace. Transform them by your power. Teach them by your wisdom. Unite them by your love. Lead them by your purpose. Focus them on your vision. Remind them of their total dependence upon you. Sustain them by your Word. Sanctify them for your Holy Service. Encourage them by your counsel. Father, I entrust them to you and I pray this through your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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