The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend John Bradford

Faith Lutheran Church
Arlington, Virginia

Date of Prayer: 11/14/2005

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Sovereign God, we come into this hallowed chamber in the midst of troubling times.

As we cling to our freedom, we lift up to your care the brave women and men of our Armed Forces who are serving this great country around the world to make global freedom and peace a reality.

We consider those who have lost all their worldly possessions in natural disasters and our hearts go out to them even as we seek more effective ways to help them in these unspeakable times.

Even as we are blessed to live in a land of tremendous prosperity and abundance; may we continue to reach out to those who have little.

I ask your blessing upon these dedicated servants of the House of Representatives as they continue to strive individually and collectively for peace and harmony throughout our land and the world.

In your holy name we pray. Amen.

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