The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Betsy Singleton

Quapaw Quarter United Methodist Church
Little Rock, Arkansas

Date of Prayer: 09/23/2004

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

This time of year in this particular year when hometown fairs are judging jams, and bannered booths tout candidates with free bumper stickers, we hold our opinions fervently, our convictions with less compromise, each vote with care.

We confess that we are a people of preferences, each as unique as squares on a blue ribbon quilt stitched together by someone who favored cotton print over synthetics.

Daily, God, there are choices in this democracy that lead us to debate, delay, exhaustion, hope –– and then, together, we speak for the people who send us to represent them, the ones who, last weekend, got together in that small American town we call "Home" –– the fireman, the teacher, the homemaker, the beauty queen, the clown, the cowboy –– and held the annual parade down Main street because out of many, they believe we really are one. Today, God, may we be one.


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