Legislative Information

My Voting Record
  • For information on my legislative record in previous sessions of Congress, you may search Thomas.

Bills I Have Introduced and Cosponsored

  • Legislation I have Sponsored and Cosponsored to-date in the 110th Congress, which began in January 2007.
  • Legislation I have Sponsored and Cosponsored to-date in the 109th Congress, which began in January 2005, and ended in December 2006.
  • Legislation I have Sponsored and Cosponsored to-date in the 108th Congress, which began in January 2003, and ended in December 2004.
  • Legislation I have Sponsored and Cosponsored in the 107th Congress, which began in January 2001, and ended in December 2002.
  • Legislation I Sponsored and Cosponsored in the 106th Congress, which began in January 1999, and ended in December 2000.
  • Legislation I Sponsored and Cosponsored in the 105th Congress, which began in January 1997, and ended in December 1998.

What's Happening in Congress?

The Legislative Process