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Recent Legislation Introduced by Congressman Engel

Click on the bill number to look up information about the bill in the Library of Congress THOMAS system. In addition, you can click on the "Summary" button to read a more detailed summary of the legislation, as well as the current status of the legislation.

Bill Number Bill Name Bill Decription

H.R. 3692 Social Investment/Economic Development Act Provides $2.5 billion in assistance to Latin America and the Caribbean over ten years split evenly between USAID and the Inter-American Development Bank Summary

H.R. 670 DRIVE Act This legislation has a number of provisions to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and to prevent the furtherance of global warming Summary

H.R. 251 Truth in Caller ID Act This legislation imposes penalties for caller ID fraud Summary

H.R. 759 Bob Hope Library Renames the Ellis Island Immigration Museum Library as the "Bob Hope Memorial Library" Summary

H.R. 1567 Stop Tuberculosis (TB) Now Act This legislation is intended to stop the worldwide spread of tuberculosis Summary

H.R. 2295 ALS Registry Act Creates a national registry of ALS patients to further the cause of research into treatment for ALS Summary

H.R. 2566 Digital Television Consumer Education Act Educating the public on the transition from analog to digital television Summary

H.R. 1544 Gestational Diabetes (GEDI) Act Preventing the spread of gestational diabetes in pregnant women Summary

H.R. 1784 Protecting Law Enforcement Armor (PLEA) Act Bans the sale and possession of "cop killer" handguns to protect our nation's law enforcement officers Summary

H.R. 2567 Medicare Home Infusion Therapy Act Provides Medicare coverage for Home Infusion Therapy Summary

H.R. 2651 Greenhouse Gas Accountability Act Creates a national registry for greenhouse gas emissions Summary

H.R. 2725 Alarm Customer VoIP Notification Act Requires Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service providers to notify customers of certain security measures needed to protect the consumer Summary

H.Res. 209 Supporting the Goals and Ideals of Anti-Slavery Day Supports World Anti-Slavery Day Summary

H.Res. 309 Supporting Independence for Kosovo Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the U.S. should support independence for Kosovo Summary

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