July 16, 2004
Contact:  Lindsay Law
(202) 225-3772

Ross Applauds Project Completion

(Washington, D.C.) Rep. Mike Ross (D-04) Friday helped mark the official completion of Montgomery Point Lock and Dam at a dedication ceremony celebrating the event.  

Construction of the lock and dam was in response to periodic low water conditions in the White River Entrance Channel of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System.  It will help maintain a year-round navigation pool and eliminates the need for major dredging in the area.

“My Arkansas colleagues and I have worked to secure $66.5 million for this much needed project over the last three years,” said Ross, “but this day is the result of over two decades of hard work and more than $237 million to date.  In 1980, the district was asked to investigate low-water problems in the White River Channel with a feasibility study beginning in 1986.  Today, I am excited about the completion of this monumental project and look forward to witnessing the economic development assistance it will most surely bring to the region.”

Ross continued, “I commend those who worked tirelessly to get this project started, and I especially applaud those who remained committed over the years to bring us to this day.  The completion of this lock and dam is a great accomplishment that warrants today’s celebration.”

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