February 10, 2004
Contact:  Adrienne Elrod
(202) 225-3772

Ross Proposes Animal ID Tracking System
(Washington, D.C.) Fourth District Rep. Mike Ross (D-Ark.), ranking member of the U.S. House of Representative’s Livestock & Horticulture subcommittee, made the following statement today at a press conference to introduce the National Farm Animal Identification and Records Act (FAIR Act). Ross is a leading co-sponsor of the bill.

“I believe the implementation of an Animal Identification program is necessary toward ensuring a safe and reliable source of food, and increasing consumer confidence in the beef industry. The recent outbreak of BSE has created new challenges, and as the ranking member of the Livestock and Horticulture Subcommittee, I recognize that re-opening beef export markets is critical to the future of the beef industry.  

“This bill does not endorse any one national plan over another, but rather, directs the Secretary of Agriculture to establish an electronic national identification system that would require all livestock, from birth to slaughter, to be identified. This national identification system would also ensure a rapid response within 48 hours to livestock disease outbreaks.

“Further, this bill properly addresses particular cost and privacy concerns associated with the establishment of a national animal identification system that my constituents have expressed to me. The burden of this program should not be laid upon cattle producers alone, and must be affordable to all cattle producers -- large and small.

“The Administration must allow for some cost sharing to fully protect our nation’s beef supply.  Finally, the program must ensure the privacy of everyone in the industry.”

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