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For Immediate Release
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Contact:  Eric Wortman 202-226-68571
Blue Dogs Urge Speaker to Push Bankruptcy Reform

WASHINGTON D.C.- The Blue Dog Coalition today announced the Coalition's endorsement of HR 685/S 256, the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, and urged Speaker Hastert to move quickly in bringing this important legislation to the floor.

The Blue Dogs - a group of 35 moderate and conservative Democrats from across the nation whose attention to fiscal discipline has won them praise from magazine and newspaper editorials around the country - voted overwhelmingly to pass bankruptcy reform during the 108th Congress, and have endorsed HR 685 this year. The Coalition requires a 2/3 majority vote to endorse any legislation.

"We can all agree that it is important to provide protections for consumers in debt and those with legitimate bankruptcy claims; however, the current system is broken," writes the Blue Dog Coalition in a letter to Speaker Hastert. "An overhaul of the bankruptcy code is needed to ensure that those with the means to pay at least some of their debts are not able to wipe their debts clean by gaming the system. Allowing bankruptcy to become a financial planning tool rather than a last resort forces many of our constituents who pay their debts to pay for those who do not."

Nationally, personal bankruptcy filings have skyrocketed in recent years. Estimates show that personal bankruptcy rates increased 400% over the last twenty years. The proliferation of bankruptcy filings has resulted in major financial losses and could have a significant adverse effect on our nation's economy.

"We encourage you to expedite consideration of this legislation in the House of Representatives and look forward to working with you to ensure passage of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act as quickly as possible," the Coalition concludes.

The twenty-seven members of the Blue Dog Coalition signing the letter to Speaker Hastert include: Reps. Joe Baca (CA), John Barrow (GA), Marion Berry (AR), Sanford Bishop (GA), Leonard Boswell (IA), Allen Boyd (FL), Dennis Cardoza (CA), Ed Case (HI), Jim Cooper (TN), Jim Costa (CA), Bud Cramer (AL), Lincoln Davis (TN), Harold Ford, Jr. (TN), Jane Harman (CA), Stephanie Herseth (SD), Steve Israel (NY), Jim Matheson (UT), Mike McIntyre (NC), Mike Michaud (ME), Dennis Moore (KS), Collin Peterson (MN), Mike Ross (AR), John Salazar (CO), David Scott (GA), John Tanner (TN), Ellen Tauscher (CA), Mike Thompson (CA).

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