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For Immediate Release
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Contact:  Eric Wortman 202-226-68571
Blue Dogs Call for Accountability on War Funding
Coalition's Call Comes amid Request of Additional $82 Billion for Iraq and Afghanistan

WASHINGTON D.C.- Today, the Blue Dog Coalition called for more accountability from the administration and Pentagon for funds spent in Iraq and Afghanistan and announced its endorsement and the introduction of the War Funding Accountability Act authored by Blue Dog Rep. Mike Thompson (CA). 

With the president's request yesterday for an additional $82 billion in supplemental funding for Iraq, Afghanistan and other expenses, the Blue Dog Coalition recognizes that taxpayers deserve an accountability of where their money is going and if it is being spent appropriately. The War Funding Accountability Act would: ensure that troops are receiving the supplies and equipment they need, call on the administration to seek additional international support and require the administration to report to Congress on the progress being made in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

"We need to support our troops and ensure that they have the resources needed to do their job," Rep. Thompson said. "This bill will make certain that Congress acknowledges its oversight responsibility and accounts for the $82 billion supplemental appropriation that the president has requested for Iraq and Afghanistan. Congress can't continue writing blank checks to the administration."

Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Congressional Research Service estimates that the Department of Defense (DOD) has received over $201 billion for combat operations, occupation and support for military personnel deployed or supporting operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost $458 billion over the next nine years, in addition to the amount already spent. 

"Casualties continue to climb in Iraq. When we send our very best into battle, we want them to have everything they need to accomplish the mission and come home safely. We need honest answers-when we appropriate money-about where it's going and what it is doing for the troops," said Rep. Jim Matheson, Blue Dog Co-Chair for Administration. 

"I trust that the Department of Defense will tell us what our troops need to fight the war on terror but they need to be accountable for the money they spend," explained Rep. Jim Cooper (TN), Blue Dog Co-Chair for Policy. "Maybe this will help us prevent any situations in the future like the recent armor shortage."

The administration has not given Congress a full audit of funding spent in Iraq and Afghanistan despite reports of wasteful spending. For example, one contractor over-charged DOD by $61 million to import gasoline into Iraq from Kuwait. To make matters worse, the same contractor over-charged taxpayers $10,000 a day for unauthorized and unnecessary expenses at the Kuwait Hilton Hotel - despite the fact those same people could have stayed in air-conditioned tents like those used by our troops for less than $600 a day.

"The job of Congress it to make sure that the money we're spending in Iraq is going to the appropriate places - going to our troops to keep our nation's sons and daughters out of harms way," explained Rep. Dennis Cardoza, Blue Dog Co-Chair for Communications. "This is a responsibility we have to the men and women serving in combat, to their parents and to the American taxpayers who are footing the bill to ensure that the billions of dollars in supplemental funds are going to be spent in the most effective and efficient way."

"Being honest with the American people has always proven to be the best policy, and full disclosure of how our hard earned tax dollars are being spent is something the American taxpayers expect," said Rep. Lincoln Davis (TN). "Unfortunately this has not happened. We should expect more than piece meal information we've received thus far from this Administration. Americans need to be reassured that they aren't being fleeced by war profiteering companies."

The Blue Dogs are a group of 35 moderate and conservative Democrats from around the country who are known as fiscal and defense hawks. 

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