Congress of the United States - House of Representatives - Washington, DC 20515-3701
Friday, June 25, 2004

Washington, DC -- Today Congressman David Wu announced the inclusion of $3 million for the Columbia River Channel Deepening Project in the Fiscal Year '05 Energy and Water appropriations bill. The $3 million will help implement the environmental measures that were proposed by the Army Corps of Engineers in the Biological Assessment released in February 2002.
"The Columbia River Channel Deepening Project is vital to our region's ability to remain competitive in a global economy," said Congressman David Wu. " With almost 40,000 people dependent on maritime trade on the river for jobs, it is important that this project proceed in a manner that ensures the health of the river and timely completion of the project."
This funding will cover the construction of nine ecosystem restoration features, construction of wetlands mitigation features, establishment of facilities and activities that will monitor dredging for any environmental effects, and research activities for salmon recovery.
The health of the river and its many inhabitants is a critical component of the channel deepening project. It has been designed to minimize impacts on the river as well as endangered species. In order to move forward, the project must comply with all federal and state environmental regulations.

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