Congress of the United States - House of Representatives - Washington, DC 20515-3701
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Washington, D.C.--Today Congressman David Wu continued his effort to help American Manufacturers by offering an amendment in the Science Committee that would have increased states' funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP). This expanded amount would enhance the level of services that MEPs can offer Oregon's entrepreneurs. This amendment was defeated by a straight party line vote 16-14.
"For the past few years Oregonians have suffered with high unemployment and a stagnant economy," said Congressman David Wu. "My amendment could have helped create jobs, but unfortunately my Republican colleagues have decided that helping American manufacturers is not a priority. Since January 2001, Oregon has lost over 26,000 manufacturing jobs. The federal government should expand employment opportunities for Americans by helping our manufacturers with programs that work."
MEP is a nationwide network of not for profit centers whose sole purpose is to provide small and medium sized manufacturers with the help they need to succeed. The centers, serving all 50 states and Puerto Rico, are linked together through the Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology. Centers are funded by federal, state, local and private resources to serve manufacturers. Under current law the federal government provides funding for MEPs under a cost sharing program that limit's the government's share to one third. The Wu amendment would have raised this portion to 50%.
Each MEP center works directly with area manufacturers to provide expertise and services tailored to their most critical needs, which range from process improvements and worker training to business practices and applications of information technology. Solutions are offered through a combination of direct assistance from center staff and outside consultants. Centers often help small firms overcome barriers in locating and obtaining private-sector resources. Since the beginning of MEP, they have assisted over 149,000 firms.
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