Congress of the United States - House of Representatives - Washington, DC 20515-3701
April 28, 2004
Washington, DC  --  Today Congressman David Wu issued the following statement in response to Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's appearance in front of the Education and Work Force Committee. Secretary Chao spoke at a hearing on the subject of "Assessing the Impact of the Labor Department's Final Overtime Regulations on Workers and Employers."

"Under the current administration over two million jobs have been lost. Currently my state of Oregon has the dubious distinction of having the highest unemployment rate in the country. Now this administration has decided that in order to strengthen overtime pay protections, its proposal will, by the Department of Labor's own admission, cut out over 100,000 high paid workers from overtime pay. At a time when overtime pay is a necessity, not a luxury and when people are working harder just to make ends meet, the federal government shouldn't be pulling the rug out from those who are struggling in these difficult times."




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