Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Let?s Expand the Child Tax Credit
April 2, 2001

With our economy in a troubled state, we need to do all we can to put money back in hands of hard-working taxpayers. That's one of the reasons I strongly support doubling the per-child tax credit from $500 to $1,000.


Several years ago, Congress passed the $500-per-child tax credit, and it's an excellent way to make sure that American families get to keep more of their money. And it means that individual citizens decide how to spend the money instead of having Washington bureaucrats allocate it. In other words, decision making power is transferred out of Washington and back to YOU, where it belongs.


So I support the bill which would phase in a $500 increase - to $1,000 - of the per-child tax credit. Taken with other aspects of President Bush's tax program, this would save the average family of four $560 this year, including $360 from income tax rate cuts and $200 from expansion of the child credit.


Let's pass this reform now!!!!


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