Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Legislation Promotes American Sovereignty
October 25, 2005

The Constitution is the supreme law of the United States and it should not take a back seat to any other document when federal judges issue rulings.  There is a troublesome trend in American courts to look at international law and precedents instead of our own Constitution and legal decisions.  This is an insult to our national sovereignty. 


To help combat this growing trend among judges, I have cosponsored the Constitutional Restoration Act, H.R. 1070.  This bill would prevent a court in the United States from relying on any law, policy, or action of a foreign state as a basis for a ruling.  I have also cosponsored H. Res. 97, which expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that judicial determinations should not be based on foreign judgments or laws.


We cannot sit idly by as the courts try to rewrite our heritage and traditions.  I will keep fighting to ensure that our liberties are protected for future generations.


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