Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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North Korean Missile Tests Demand U.N. Response
July 5, 2006

Today Congressman Zach Wamp (R-TN) called on the United Nations to act swiftly in denouncing North Korea's dangerous and provocative ballistic missile tests and join the Bush Administration in trying every diplomatic avenue available to convince North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il to put aside his ambitions to produce and deliver weapons of mass destruction and rejoin the world community in finding a peaceful solution to his people's dire problems.


"The United Nations needs to take immediate action against the North Korean regime for this week's missile launches and its continued development of nuclear weapons," Congressman Wamp said. "Instead of making the world safer, U.N. complacency to both Iranian and North Korean nuclear ambitions is making the world more dangerous. The world body increasingly appears to no longer be able to serve as the core mission stated in its charter of maintaining "international peace and security through collective measures to prevent or remove threats to the peace, and suppress aggression and other breaches of the peace."


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