Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Memo Scandal at CBS A Breach of Public Trust

October 12, 2004

During a presidential election year, it is natural for rumors and innuendo to surface about the candidates, as well as legitimate facts about their personal history.  However, television networks have a duty to provide responsible programming.  The decision by CBS to air a segment on President Bush's National Guard service based on fraudulent documents was a breach of public trust.  Subsequent accounts have shown that CBS failed to uphold journalistic standards by failing to authenticate the memos.


The most effective opposition comes when consumers take action at the 'grassroots' level.  The networks will begin to listen when their viewers stop watching and their profits start falling.


I encourage each citizen to stay informed on the issues and candidates as November approaches.  Our participation in the election process is one of our greatest rights and responsibilities as Americans.


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