Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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War with Iraq Was Last Resort

August 4, 2003

Going to war with Iraq was a last resort.  President Bush was very clear about what Iraq needed to do to prevent war and what the consequences of inaction would be.  There was and is considerable evidence to conclude that the Hussein regime actively pursued and developed a chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons program.  I have no reason to believe President Bush ever lied or intentionally misled the American people about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  I still think there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that Saddam moved or hid many of these weapons prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom. 


Unfortunately, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who is running for President, has introduced a bill to use this critically important foreign policy and national security issue as a campaign tactic against President Bush.  Our mission in Iraq was necessary and the cause was just.  Freedom is now possible in a country where tyranny and genocide existed only weeks ago.  As a new day dawns in Iraq, the Middle East and our nation are safer as result of Saddam's removal from power.  We must persevere as allied forces continue to pursue these weapons and secure Iraq as much as possible.   


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