Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Protect the Right To Bear Arms

March 14, 2001

The previous Administration's virtual extortion of the firearm industry and settlement with Smith & Wesson was yet another attempt by the Clinton-Gore Administration to place restrictions on law abiding citizens who value their right to keep and bear arms.


That is why I and 99 other Representatives sent a letter to HUD Secretary Mel Martinez requesting that he put a halt to former Secretary Andrew Cuomo's plan to go around Congress by legislating through duress, placing our law enforcement officers at risk. Former Secretary Cuomo created the Communities for Safer Guns Coalition as a mechanism by which HUD urges states, counties, and cities to show a preference in buying guns for law enforcement to manufacturers who enter into settlement agreements, as in the case of Smith & Wesson. These agreements also infringe on the rights of lawful gun owners.


HUD's mission should not include activities that will result in our law enforcement officers' weapon selection being based on politics rather than merit. Disarming law-abiding citizens does nothing to restrain the criminal elements of society, and I will continue to defend your right to bear arms here in Congress.


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