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We Should Do What We Can to Fight Religious Persecution

January 28, 2002

The oppression of people anywhere based upon their religious beliefs is something we must work to end. One of the worst examples of modern day religious persecution is the current situation in China. The People's Republic of China has arrested the members of the Falun Gong religious movement who have staged the largest public protest since the Tiananmen Square demonstrations of 1989.


Recently, two leaders of an underground Protestant church were sentenced to death under the same anti-cult law adopted in 1999 by the Communist Party to justify its campaign against Falun Gong. Human rights groups say the government is using the law to harass religious organizations that refuse to worship in state-run churches.


While we cannot act as the world's policeman, we should do what we can to fight religious persecution. That is why I co-sponsored the Freedom from Religious Persecution Act, which passed the House by an overwhelming bi-partsan vote of 375-41 in May of 1998, and became law on October 27, 1998.


This bill established an Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom within the Department of State, a Commission on International Religious Freedom, and a Special Advisor on International Religious Freedom within the National Security Council. It is aimed at all countries that systematically engage in religious persecution and strengthens United States advocacy on behalf of individuals persecuted in foreign countries on account of religion. It also authorizes United States actions in response to violations of religious freedom in foreign countries.


While the United States cannot always control what goes on in other countries, we should use our influence as the greatest country in the world to protect the religious liberties of everyone. It is vital for those of us who enjoy the right to freely worship to speak up on behalf of those who are denied this right. Our economic power gives us the ability to wield great influence with other nations, and we should use this power as a force for good.


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