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Legislation Promotes American Sovereignty
December 30, 2003

Our children are our most precious resource and we must do everything possible to make sure that they receive a quality education that will equip them to succeed in life.  This includes proficiency in our nation's history and heritage. 


The American History and Civics Education Act, H.R. 1078, establishes pilot program grants to fund 2-week summer academies for K-12 teachers to strengthen their knowledge of American history and civics, including study of our Founding Fathers, the American Revolution, Bill of Rights, Federalist Papers and the Emancipation Proclamation.  The bill states that the curriculum must focus on the most important people, ideas, events and documents that shaped the democratic institutions and heritage of the United States. 


This legislation must be used to promote American values.  I am a strong believer in the sovereignty of the United States and the institutions that keep our democracy alive.  U.S. citizens control the United States government, and we to instill in our teachers and students the need to keep it that way!

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