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The Yucca Mountain Repository is Vital for "Energy Independence"

May 9, 2002

Last week during the Republican Members meeting I spoke to my colleagues about the importance of domestic energy production and energy independence, especially during these uncertain times in the Middle East. I told my colleagues that we need to put "energy independence" on the same priority level as national security because you really can not have one without the other.


I have long been a strong supporter of clean, safe nuclear energy to replace some of the fuel produced by these coal-fired plants. Nuclear power discharges no emissions and is the most economical source of electricity in the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) region. Currently, twenty percent of all energy produced in the United States is nuclear energy (27.1 % of energy in Tennessee is nuclear). However, the major roadblock in being able to move towards the use of more nuclear energy has been the question of how to dispose of the nuclear waste material. Fortunately, this Administration has ?stepped up to the plate? on this issue and developed a plan based on science, health and safety.


Today in the House of Representatives, I voted in favor of using the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository. I also spoke on the House floor about this important issue because our "national security hangs on this decision." Using Yucca Mountain as a major spent-fuel repository is essential to national security for two reasons.


First, spent nuclear fuel must have a safe storage facility. Right now, there are 131 above ground sites in 39 different states that are temporarily housing spent fuel (three are in East Tennessee). More than 161 million people live within 75 miles of the current nuclear waste sites and while these sites are safe, we must consolidate this waste into one underground location that can be better protected. Nevada's Yucca Mountain is a logical choice because it is already located in a "no fly" zone and will have the extensive security already in place at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site.


Since 1987, in compliance with the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, the scientists at the Department of Energy have been studying the suitability of Yucca Mountain as a repository. They have researched the likelihood of earthquakes, volcanoes, groundwater contamination and human intrusion. They have concluded that the mountain would still withstand rigorous Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) standards for 10,000 years! The remote mountain is a volcanic ridge that is located in an isolated part of Nevada (100 miles from a populated town) on federal land adjacent to a nuclear test site. This single repository would be 1000 feet underground protected by a titanium shield, as opposed to the 131 current temporary sites that are mostly above ground.


The second important aspect of Yucca Mountain is that it will help our country move forward with using nuclear energy and move away for foreign oil dependence. The attacks on September 11th have made us realize that we may not be able to count on cooperation from the Middle East. Congressional scholar Lawrence C. Kumins said, "the involvement of Middle Eastern terrorists in the recent attacks on the United States has raised concern that oil production in the region might somehow be affected. Crude oil price initially rose following the attacks."


The United States must have energy production that is self-sustaining. Nuclear energy is a key to providing Americans with cleaner power generation that is free from interruptions caused by international events or price fluctuations. Yucca Mountain is vital to the 103 operating commercial nuclear reactors that help provide us with carbon-free electricity.


The legislation that passed the House of Representatives this week will give our nation a safe, central repository for spent nuclear fuel that will support the expansion of nuclear energy. President George W. Bush and Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham should be commended for tackling this issue, instead of "passing the buck" like previous Administrations.


Yucca Mountain and energy independence are vital for national security and the preservation of freedom for generations to come.


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