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Missile Shield Will Promote Peace

May 10, 2001

As a new member of the Commission for Security and Cooperation in Europe (popularly known as the Helsinki Commission), I have had the opportunity in recent weeks to witness firsthand the benefits of the Ronald Reagan mantra, and now legacy, "peace through strength."


We must remember that had it not been for the Reagan buildup of our defenses, the former Soviet Union would still have a strong hold on many small countries that were independent prior to being conquered and taken over decades ago.


One of these countries is Latvia. A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of meeting with Latvia's capable and talented President, Her Excellency Dr. Vaira Vike-Freiberga. During her testimony to our commission, she was very candid about the struggles of her country under Soviet domination and how difficult it still is today after 10 years of renewed independence and democratic reforms.


The fact is Ronald Reagan knew that the Soviet Union would not respond to words, but to actions. As a result, he convinced Congress to build up our military strength during peacetime and then broke the back of communism without using the weapons that we developed. The Soviet Union fell on its own weight of corruption and oppression.


As I listened to Latvia's president extol the virtues of independence and freedom, I was vividly reminded that our current investment in technology and national defenses will once again pay off for the future. Many Americans believe that if a rogue nation launched a nuclear warhead at a major city -- like Los Angeles -- that our great nation could intercept that missile. Unfortunately, we do not have that capability.


As I think about the possibility of unstable regimes, like North Korea, being able to produce weapons of mass destruction, I am convinced that now more than ever, we need to pursue an Anti Ballistic Missile Defense System. More and more countries have nuclear weapons and nuclear ambitions but many of these same counties rank among the least responsible governments in the global community. We no longer have to fear the old Soviet Union, but we must now recognize many rogue nations that disdain democracy are the same countries that are hoping to develop ballistic missiles. And our own scientist in Oak Ridge are working to prevent nuclear materials in the former USSR from falling into the hands of terrorist.


The technology proposed by President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld is necessary for our national defense and the protection of our allies.


This is a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity, but we must do all we realistically can to defend our peace and to protect our prosperity. The plan to build up the Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense Shield should be approved immediately. We can't afford to retreat from the successful formula of President Reagan. "Peace through strength," worked before and it will work again. But we must have the vision to recognize the need and the courage to make it happen.


A peaceful future demands bold action today. Let's put Americans first and build the Missile Defense system now.


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