Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Legislation Would Grant Citizenship to All American Soldiers
April 28, 2003

Our great nation was founded by brave immigrants willing to take up arms in defense of our freedoms.  This tradition continues to this day with over 37,000 legal permanent residents serving on active duty in our armed forces.  These courageous men and women who have volunteered for one of the most solemn duties a nation can ask of its people deserve to become U.S. citizens.


These soldiers currently have to wait three to five years to become citizens.  To help correct this injustice, I have cosponsored H.R. 1714, the Armed Forces Citizenship Act of 2003.  This bill would eliminate the waiting period and waive naturalization fees allowing these soldiers to be immediately naturalized while serving overseas.  Other requirements for immigrants to become citizens, such as committing themselves to the principles of the Constitution, demonstrating knowledge of the English language, and passing a U.S. government and history test would remain unchanged. 



It is only right to bestow upon the men and women who protect our country the honor of being an American citizen. 


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