Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Ninth District, IL



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Press Release


May 17, 2006


Misguided budget and tax cuts for millionaires increase record national debt, cut vital programs

WASHINGTON, DC  - U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky, a Chief Deputy Democratic Whip, today released the following statement on the FY2007 budget that passed the House of Representatives in a late night session. Schakowsky said that President Bush and Congressional Republicans cut programs vital to working families in order to fund tax cuts for millionaires, which are projected to add another $1.1 trillion to the national debt:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposition to the Republican budget resolution.  The Republican’s 2007 budget – and the signing of tax cuts for millionaires today – reflects priorities that are not in line with what our country stands for or the values in which most Americans believe.  In keeping with an unfortunate tradition, the Republicans have once again put tax cuts for the wealthy ahead of national security, investing in our economic competitiveness, and meeting the needs of seniors, families, and students.  This budget puts K Street ahead of the needs of Main Street.

            The Republicans claim that this budget will decrease the massive Bush-era deficit.  However, even with all the cruel cuts they make to medical research, health care, and nutrition assistance, their tax cuts add another $1.1 trillion to the deficit.   Is that responsible? 

            The Republicans claim to have our country’s best interests in mind.  Yet, they slash funding for education and job training by $4.6 billion.  Is that in our best interest? 

            The Republicans allege that their fiscal policies spark economic growth and prosperity.  In reality, income is dropping, poverty has increased over the last several years, and 7.1 million Americans remain unemployed.  Is that growth and prosperity? 

What is responsible is funding vocational education to train our future workers, as the Democratic alternative to this budget would do.  It is in our country’s best interest to fund port security and homeland security.  The Democratic budget recognizes that by providing $6.5 billion more than Republican budget does for homeland and port security. What would spur economic growth is funding initiatives like the Community Development Block Grants program, not cutting it by $736 million as the Republicans do.  That money would help revitalize our dilapidated neighborhoods. 

            As I have said time and time again, budgets reflect what we value and what is important to us as a country.  I value senior citizens – and that is why I cannot support a Republican budget that cuts their housing assistance by 26%.  I believe it is important to prepare for our future so I cannot support a plan that cuts 42 education programs.  I support our troops and refuse to support any budget that would cut veterans’ health care by $8.6 billion even as new veterans, many severely wounded, are returning home every day.  But that’s what the Republican budget does.   

I urge my colleagues to vote with our common American values and dreams in mind and support the Democratic and Congressional Black Caucus budgets and oppose the Republican budget that sells out the needs of the majority of Americans to make room for tax cuts for millionaires and K Street interests.   Thank you. 

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