Bush’s dangling of a temporary legalization is nothing more than an election year Trojan horse that cannot be taken at face value.  Hard working undocumented immigrants already live in fear that Bush’s plan will increase and not decrease fear, cause more intimidation, and create a class of indentured servants made up largely of people of color

Bush’s proposal for the creation of a system of “guest workers” is obviously a good deal for the bosses.  The undocumented immigrant will be forced into a position of dependence very much like an indentured servant.  Instead of doing the right thing by calling for full amnesty as I have proposed, Bush places the evaluation of the three-year work period in the hands of the employers, and with no government priority placement for citizenship applications, the guest workers can be easily intimidated.

Labor unions hope to organize these workers once they are no longer afraid to be identified; however, the Bush scheme grants enormous powers to the workplace managers.  Fear of losing jobs will greatly hinder the union organizing drives.  Unorganized workers will be pressured into lower wages and the worst possible working conditions thus dragging down overall standards.  Year after year unscrupulous employers would be supplied with such a fresh and easily intimidated new workforce.  Only full amnesty, which sets each worker on the road to citizenship, can achieve the goal of humane and just working conditions.  New groups free to join unions and on their way to becoming voters would contribute a positive uplift for all working families.  When we seek amnesty first all other needed rights and benefits – green cards, permanent residency, citizenship – flow naturally behind.                        


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