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Lowey Continues Fight Against Dangerous New EPA Rule
on Mercury Emissions
April 29, 2004

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Nita M. Lowey (D-NY) called on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in February to hold a hearing in New York State regarding the detrimental impacts of mercury and to extend the public comment period for its new rule, which extends the timetable for cutting mercury emissions.  While the agency refused to hold a hearing, it extended the public comment period, which ends today. 

Lowey made the following statement regarding the rule and the comments that 1,140 New Yorkers have submitted during the extension for public comment:

“In February, scientists from the EPA released new findings estimating that more than 600,000 newborns are exposed to unsafe levels of mercury each year and 1 in 12 women of childbearing age has a mercury level above the EPA’s acceptable threshold.

“Despite this alarming news, the two rules the EPA proposed in December to address mercury emissions would allow levels of almost seven times those mandated in the Clean Air Act. These changes would have a particularly adverse affect on New York, threatening our ecosystem, our economy, and our health.

“While I was disappointed that Director Leavitt did not respond to my call for a hearing in New York to openly discuss the danger in EPA’s proposals, I was pleased that he agreed to an extended comment period to provide ample time for review of these complex rules.

“These 1,140 letters from concerned New Yorkers demonstrate the far-reaching effects of these regulations and the widespread and justified distress over their implications.

“When it comes to the health and safety of our children, we must expedite – not delay – requirements to decrease dangerous pollution. The Administration is on the verge of enacting a rule that endangers our children, our environment, and our economy. We cannot allow this wrong-headed policy to take effect.”
