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Legislation image of gavel
Congressman George Miller

  1. George's Legislation
    Research bills and resolutions that George has introduced

  2. George's Voting Record
    Find out how George voted on various legislation through roll call search

  3. THOMAS: Legislative Information
    The Library of Congress' web site to research legislation in both the House and Senate

    image of kid site logo

  4. Kids In the House
    Web site for kids on how laws are created and enacted from the House Clerk

  5. Today's Legislative Calendar
    Find out what is happening in the House of Representatives from the Democratic Leader's site

  6. Learn More about the Legislative Process
    Educational links from www.house.gov: Learn how laws are made and enacted, see documents like the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers and the Constitution

  7. Take a Virtual Tour
    Learn more about the House of Representatives by taking a virtual tour from the House Clerk's web site


U.S. House of Representatives Seal
Congressman George Miller
2205 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-2095