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Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. - Representing the Ninth District of Tennessee
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Washington, D.C.
P:(202) 225-3265
F: (202) 225-5663
325 Cannon House Office
Washington, D.C. 20515
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm ET

Memphis Downtown
P:(901) 544-4131
F:(901) 544-4329
The Federal Building
167 North Main, Suite #369
Memphis, Tennessee 38103
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm CT

East Memphis
P: (901) 766-8121
F: (901) 766-8124
775 East Ridge Lake Boulevard
Suite 155
Memphis, Tennessee 38120

* Please be advised that written correspondence may incur a delay of up to two weeks due to an extensive mail screening process including anti-bioterrorism precautions.

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Order a U.S. Flag

Constituents may request to have a U.S. flag flown over the Capitol in honor of a particular person, special occasion/event, or organization.

Each flag that is flown is accompanied by a certificate which reads: "This is to certify that the accompanying flag was flown over the United States Capitol on [Month, Date, Year] at the request of the Honorable Harold Ford, Member of Congress." You may also request additional text personalizing the certificate (i.e., birthday greeting, retirement, Eagle Scout award, etc.).

Flags are available in nylon or cotton in sizes of 3'X5', 4'X6', or 5'X8'. Prices vary.

If you are interested in purchasing a flag, proceed to the order form by first filling in below who is purchasing the flag and where the order will be sent. This will confirm that at least one of the addresses is in my district. Once you fill out the order form, please print it and fax it to our flag coordinator at 202-225-5663 or mail it to 325 Cannon HOB, Washington, D.C. 20515. Click here to view our Privacy Policy and Security Notice.

Please note that rush orders must be faxed because mail delivery to our office often takes over two weeks. After the flag has flown, please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

If you would like to learn more about our flag, the proper way to fly it, instructions for folding the flag, the words for the pledge of allegiance, or how to dispose of unserviceable flags, the American Legion web site has an informative section on the U.S. flag.




The next address is where the order will be sent. This information must be filled in. To copy the purchaser's information into the fields below, click the following checkbox:





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