Congressman Rahm Emanuel - Press Release Header

March 19, 2004

U.S. Representatives Emanuel, Schakowsky, Families USA
Discuss New Medicare Rx Law at Town Hall with Chicago Seniors

Series of Town Halls Across the Country Part of Families USA Medicare Road Show

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Representatives Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) and Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) met with local seniors at North Park Village today to discuss and assess the impact of the law on Chicago seniors.  The Members of Congress also screened a Families USA video featuring former news anchor Walter Cronkite in which he discusses the pitfalls of the new Medicare law, such as the significant coverage gap, or “donut hole,” and the provision that prohibits Medicare from negotiating for lower drug prices. 

The plan became law late last year and polls show that seniors are confused about its provisions, although those who do understand the plan oppose it by wide margins.  The video was produced by Families USA, which is a non-profit, non-partisan organization focused on achieving high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans.

“Seniors know what that they want – a drug benefit under Medicare that will lower their prescription prices.  Seniors do not want a Republican plan that will give billions of dollars to pharmaceutical companies and HMOs while setting the groundwork to dismantle the program that seniors love and trust.   That’s why I am not surprised when seniors learn more about the new Medicare drug law, they demand that Congress repeal it and replace it,” Schakowsky said.  

Emanuel said, “I have heard from many of you about what you wanted in a Medicare Rx bill.  You have told me that you thought it was unfair that you pay prices that are 30 to 80 percent higher than the prices across the border in Canada.  You told me that you are shocked to see sudden price increases on your prescriptions – to go back to the pharmacy and have your prescription cost $10, $20, or even $30 more than it did the month before.  Unfortunately, this bill does nothing to help control the cost of drugs.  The creators of this bill chose to listen to the big pharmaceutical companies and the HMOs rather than to American seniors and American taxpayers, and I voted against it because I believe that it fails you, and fails all American families.”

The Families USA video outlined the details of the law, explaining the level of drug coverage it provides and the special circumstances for low-income seniors.  In addition, it describes the law’s shortcomings, including the fact that it does nothing to control the skyrocketing cost of drugs, disqualifies many seniors from low-income coverage with a strict assets test, and will force seniors’ out-of-pocket drug costs to grow significantly from year to year. 

“The Cronkite video is a straightforward explanation of the pros and cons of the new law by one of America’s most respected journalists,” said Bill Vaughan, Families USA’s director of government relations.  “It provides hard data showing why the nation needs to do a better job bringing prescription drug inflation under control--otherwise the new Medicare benefit will be totally inadequate and most seniors will still be hurting.”

“I supported and will continue to fight for a prescription drug plan within Medicare that provides real affordability for seniors by lowering the cost of prescription drugs.  We owe this to our seniors and our taxpayers,” Emanuel said.

Schakowsky concluded, “The Bush Administration has launched a PR offensive to sell to seniors the new Medicare drug law, but with the help of Families USA and my colleagues, we will help seniors uncover the real truth.”

The Medicare Road Show will visit more than 20 cities across America in March, April, and May.


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