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Photo/Foto: Maricella Garcia
College Graduate Faces Financial Fears

Maricella Garcia
Young Professional

"I've always been hopeful of having a family and a home. And now it seems like this fundamental unit of American life is more of a financial danger than a joy."


Maricella graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in accounting. She chose an accounting major because her teachers said it would provide her with more career choices. "My expectations were pretty reasonable," she said, "I thought that I would go to college and get a good job."

After graduation, Maricella got a job with a non-profit that provides job training to Hispanics in Little Rock, AR. "When I was hired, the program was well funded. But then, like so many good programs in this country, the funding was cut and I was laid off."

Even with her college degree, Maricella was not able to find another job. She ended up finding work at a wholesale shoppers club and a video store. "Recently, I was rehired at my old job part time and I took a pay cut. I still have to work at the video store just to make enough to pay my mortgage." She went on to say that she is "working from 9 a.m. until midnight, five days a week, just to pay my bills."

Maricella is scared for the future, "I've always been hopeful of having a family and a home. And now it seems like this fundamental unit of American life is more of a financial danger than a joy."

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Real Numbers

The number of police officers serving our larger communities has decreased by over 15% since 2001. (Democratic Leadership Council)

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