Midshipman Life
Administration & Services


Life after the Academy

The Options & Opportunities Federal Academy
Option, noun. 1. An act of choosing. 2. The power or right of choosing; freedom to choose.
Opportunity, noun. 1. A favorable or advantageous combination of circumstances. 2. A chance for progress or advancement.

You want more than a job. You want a career that's worth doing.
You want more than routine. You want challenge and adventure.
You want more than a paycheck. You want responsibility.
You want -- in short -- a program with options and opportunities so that you can achieve your goals.
You want a program like the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy's.

As a Kings Point graduate, you can be sure of two things:
1 - You will have plenty of career choices.
2 - You will be fully prepared to make the most of your career opportunities.

You're In Demand
Employers like to hire Kings Point graduates because of their leadership abilities, self-discipline, practical experience, problem-solving skills and professional expertise.

Virtually 100 percent of our graduates obtain well-paying employment within six months of commencement -- with the majority at work within three months, and most with offers of employment before graduation day.

Moreover, King Point provides the tools for your long-term success. A Standard and Poor's report on the education of America's senior business managers, for example, places the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy 18th in the nation among the top 550 colleges and universities producing Presidents, Vice Presidents and Directors of U.S. companies, in proportion to numbers of graduates.

You'll Have Options
No other federal service academy offers you the career options of Kings Point. You may choose to seek your opportunity as a ship's officer at sea, ashore in the maritime and intermodal transportation field, or as an active duty officer in one of the Armed Forces.

Since the Federal Government has provided your education at King Point, you will have a service obligation when you graduate -- in the maritime and/or transportation industry, and to Armed Forces Reserve duty.

Academy Seal