Midshipman Life
Administration & Services


Academy Facts

Each year, the Academy selects some 275 young men and women for entry into the plebe class. They come from every state of the Union, as well as from backgrounds reflecting every facet of American life. The Academy encourages diversity and recognizes the value of a Regiment of Midshipmen which represents all races, colors, creeds and ethnic backgrounds found in this nation. Students from minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply for admission.

Certain general eligibility requirements for admission to the Academy do exist. Candidates must be of good moral character. They must be at least 17 years of age and must not have passed their 25th birthday before July 1 in the year of entrance. They must be citizens of the United States either by birth or naturalization, except for a limited number of international midshipmen specially authorized by Congress. Candidates must also meet the physical, security and character requirements necessary for appointment as U.S. Naval Reserve, Merchant Marine Reserve midshipmen. Candidates must obtain a Congressional nomination to the Academy; submit a completed application; and qualify scholastically. The Admissions Office evaluates each candidate's high school record and class rank, SAT or ACT standardized scores, recommendations from school officials, history of extracurricular activities, ability to pass a Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA), and other evidence of character, leadership and potential for academic achievement. Admission to the Academy is based on all the above factors.

Academy Seal