Congressman Michael Bilirakis Congressman Michael Bilirakis.  Proudly representing the people of the 9th Congressional District of Florida
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For Immediate Release
Contact:  Christy Stefadouros 202-225-5755



Washington D.C., June 22, 2006 - Congressman Mike Bilirakis (R-FL) today supported H.R. 4890, Legislative Line-Item Veto Act, which was approved by the House of Representatives by a vote of 247 to 172.

Bilirakis said, "The American people have grown tired of uncontrolled spending in Washington, and rightly so.  While American families must find ways to balance their budgets and control unnecessary spending, Congress has become far too complacent in ‘trimming the fat’ and adhering to financial common sense.  Congress has a duty to carefully examine how it spends Americans’ tax dollars and scrutinize for elimination those programs which do not merit continuation, especially so-called pork-barrel spending."

H.R. 4890 would require Congress to vote up-or-down on a stand-alone bill of spending rescissions submitted by the President.  All savings generated by these rescissions would be used for deficit reduction and could not be used to augment other spending.  The bill also would give Congress the final say on any proposed spending cancellations.

"In an era when we face many challenges – at home and abroad – it is incumbent upon Congress to enact policies which seek to restore fiscal responsibility to the federal budget and curb government spending.  The Legislative Line-Item Veto Act will serve as an important tool to accomplish this goal because it relies on a system of checks and balances – the President can exercise the line-item veto to curb ‘pork’ in the budget, but Congress must approve the rescissions in order to retain its constitutional responsibility for the federal budget of the United States."


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