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An International Lender of Last Resort,
The IMF, and the Federal Reserve

I. Introduction

Recent international financial turbulence has stimulated discussion about reform of the "international financial architecture." Some of this discussion centers on the IMF and its potential role as an international lender of last resort (LOLR). Unfortunately, descriptions of the international LOLR function are particularly vague, with different premises, definitions, and understandings of that function creating semantic problems that often cloud the discussion.

      This paper clarifies this discussion by briefly summarizing the functions of a domestic LOLR and describing two alternative ways such LOLR services can be supplied. The role of an international LOLR and the means by which its services can be supplied are then discussed. It is shown that international LOLR services cannot be provided by the IMF as it is presently constituted. Instead, under current circumstances, such services can be provided by the central banks of key reserve currency countries, and especially the Federal Reserve. Finally, recommendations as to how international LOLR services may best be provided are described.

II. A Summary of the Domestic LOLR Function

Relevant, key elements of the domestic LOLR function can be succinctly summarized in the form of the following propositions:1

III. The Provision of LOLR Services

LOLR services can be provided via alternative mechanisms: namely, through the central banks' discount window using traditional Bagehot principles or via open market operations.3

Traditional Bagehot Principles

      Traditionally, LOLR services are provided via the famous lending rule of Walter Bagehot: lend freely to the market at a penalty rate on good collateral. "Lending freely" on good collateral ensures that adequate last resort liquidity is available to sound banks, thereby providing enough liquidity to prevent any serious internal (reserve) drains.4 Penalty rates ration scarce reserves among eager borrowers; encourage lending to remain short-term; ensure borrowers will exhaust private sources of funds, thereby making such lending genuinely "last resort;" and work to attract foreign capital, thereby minimizing external drains or depreciation of the exchange rate.

      This traditional approach, therefore, has the distinct advantage of working to resolve banking crises (internal drains) and currency crises (external drains) at the same time. The disadvantage of such lending is that some time is normally required to properly evaluate the condition or collateral of borrowing banks, ensuring that last resort lending might not occur as quickly as possible in a sudden crisis.

Open Market Operations

      A second method of providing LOLR liquidity is supplying such reserves directly to the market via open market operations. Open market purchases are a particularly efficient way of providing liquidity to the market, having the advantage of (almost instantaneous) speed as well as of regulating the total amount of market reserves, but not its allocation among particular users. In situations where external currency drains or rapid exchange rate depreciation accompany internal liquidity demands, however, large scale open market purchases to provide LOLR liquidity could serve to (at least temporarily) exacerbate these drains or depreciation. In this sense, open market purchases are a crude instrument relative to the discount-window-based Bagehot rule. Nevertheless, for accommodating emergency demands for high-powered money, open market operations are quick, convenient, efficient, and flexible.

IV. An International LOLR

Most descriptions of the LOLR functions pertain to domestic LOLRs. While international LOLRs have been mentioned in the literature, descriptions remain particularly vague and ill-defined. Different underlying premises, definitions, or semantic problems often cloud the discussion. Analogous to domestic LOLRs, an international LOLR is relevant in circumstances of fractional reserve banking and an international medium of exchange serving as a world reserve currency. While no international legal tender monopoly exists, global reserve, key, and vehicle currencies persist under different exchange rate regimes.5 History indicates that dominant international monies evolve very slowly in the market place and are not easily substitutable once well-established.6 This suggests that in the very short-run C the time frame in which LOLR decisions often must necessarily be made C reserve currencies are for all practical purposes analogous to monopoly issuance. There are no ready alternative reserve currencies in such short-run time frames. This, in turn, suggests that in global financial crises (liquidity shortage) situations, managers of dominant international currencies should accept responsibility to supply needed world liquidity: to act as international LOLR.7

      For an organization to function as an international LOLR, it must be able to create international reserves or money: i.e., to provide global liquidity quickly and in any amount on demand.8 The world's central banks would turn to an international LOLR only if such an entity was the ultimate source of international reserves.

      This is particularly relevant in circumstances of fixed exchange rates where national currencies are fully convertible into a common international reserve money.9 In this case, for example, if the demand for an international medium of exchange increases and banks face runs from foreign depositors seeking to remove their money, it is possible that the respective central banks of these countries would face a run on their international reserves. If these central banks desire to maintain a fixed exchange rate, they may ultimately have to borrow from other central banks or from an international LOLR (the ultimate source of international money) which can supply such an international media of exchange rapidly on demand.

      Although exact parallels cannot be easily drawn, the purpose of an international LOLR is to provide a backstop or mechanism to prevent a sharp collapse of international money or liquidity: i.e., to stabilize the value of such international money and to prevent various disturbances from developing into world money crises.

      Under the post-Bretton Woods flexible exchange rate system, international (reserve, key, and vehicle) currencies have continued to exist. Many countries, for example, continue to use the dollar as a reserve asset, to peg their currencies to international reserve currencies like the dollar, and to denominate many of their transactions in terms of dollars. In short, there continues to be demand for such global reserve currencies even under current floating rate systems. Indeed, the magnitude of international reserve flows actually increased, rather than decreased, under existing floating exchange rate arrangements.10 Under existing institutional arrangements, therefore, it should be recognized that the U.S. dollar has served as a most important international reserve or money.11 Accordingly, it follows that Federal Reserve policy can importantly affect and create world reserves.

V. The IMF: A Potential International LOLR?

The IMF is often characterized as an actual or potential international LOLR. Some analysts contend that the IMF currently can serve as an international LOLR since it has substantial financial resources, the power to both raise additional funds and to issue Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), as well as a sizable gold stock.

      The creators of the IMF, however, deliberately rejected the notion of an international LOLR or world central bank. Various proposals for a reserve-creating international bank were explicitly rejected by the U.S. and other countries at the time because of concern that such an institution would create excessive international money. The original IMF architects, therefore, made sure that the IMF did not have money-creating powers. Instead, the IMF was designed to assist member countries with short-term balance of payments problems through extensions of short-term loans.

      As currently structured, the IMF cannot qualify as a genuine LOLR because it lacks several of the necessary characteristics of such an institution. The IMF lacks distinguishing features of an international LOLR, including the following:

VI. The Federal Reserve: An International LOLR

One of the undeniable characteristics of current international monetary arrangements is the existence of and demand for reserve currencies. Despite the fact that major currencies float against one another, important currencies continue to serve and be held as international monies or reserves. The U.S. dollar remains the dominant and most important of these international monies or reserve currencies and it serves several functions for the global system. In particular, the dollar serves as an international reserve, key, and vehicle currency.

      Circumstances involving international liquidity shortages or sharp increased demands for international liquidity normally entail increased demand for the dollar as a reserve currency or international money. Such situations highlight the responsibilities of an international lender of last resort. In such cases, the international LOLR should prevent any sharp decline in international liquidity or a collapse of international money: i.e., it should provide conditions supporting a stable price anchor for the international monetary system.

VII. Summary and Conclusions

Recent discussions relating to reform of "the international financial architecture" have focused attention on the function of an international LOLR. There are, however, few, if any, clear delineations of this important function, partly because of differing premises, definitions, and understandings of an international LOLR role. After summarizing well-established domestic LOLR functions, this paper describes the international LOLR role. The question as to whether the IMF or Federal Reserve can provide such international services is then addressed.

      Under existing institutional arrangements, the IMF cannot serve as a genuine LOLR. Specifically, the IMF cannot create reserves, cannot make quick decisions, and does not act in a transparent manner in order to qualify as an authentic international LOLR. The Federal Reserve, however, does meet the essential requirements of an international LOLR. It can quickly create international reserves and money, although it has not openly embraced international LOLR responsibilities. The Federal Reserve can easily implement this function by employing several readily available market price indicators and global price measures.

Robert Keleher
Chief Macroeconomist



1 For a thorough historical discussion of the lender of last resort, see Thomas M. Humphrey and Robert E. Keleher, "The Lender of Last Resort: " Historical Perspective," Cato Journal, vol. 4, no. 1 (spring/summer 1984). This section's summary of the domestic LOLR function draws from this earlier discussion.

2 The effective exercise of this emergency liquidity function will prevent a drastic, widespread call-in of loans as well as a dramatic fall (or collapse) of asset prices. Thus, in providing this function, the LOLR indirectly ensures that banks needing to sell liquid assets will not have to do so at large losses that might otherwise bring about insolvency and its adverse effects.

3 Historically, LOLR principles were developed by Henry Thornton, the Banking School writers, and most completely by Walter Bagehot, the editor of the Economist. Bagehot's rule was to lend freely to the market on good collateral at a penalty rate. See Humphrey and Keleher, op. cit., pp. 299-305.

4 Under commodity (gold) standards, increased demands for liquidity could result in internal gold drains. In other regimes, internal currency drains could result from sharp increases in demand for liquidity.

5 Reserve currencies serve as reserve assets and provide a store of value function. Key currencies serve the unit of account function and are often used as a peg in defining parities. Vehicle currencies provide the means of payment functions and are often used as intervention currencies in foreign exchange markets. See, for example, the discussion of reserve, key, and vehicle currencies in Benjamin J. Cohen, The Future of Sterling as an International Currency, MacMillan, St. Martin Press, London, 1971, pp 16-22.

6 See, for example, Benjamin Klein and Michael Melvin, "Competing International Monies and International Monetary Arrangements," The International Monetary System, edited by Michael Connolly, Praeger, N.Y., 1982.

7 Kindleberger, in effect, suggests that the responsibility of an international LOLR falls to reserve currency managers. See, for example, Charles Kindleberger, "Key Currencies and Financial Centers," Reflections in a Troubled World Economy, Essays in Honor of Herbert Giersch St. Martin's Press, New York, 1983, p. 84, 87; Charles Kindleberger, Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises, Basic Books, New York, 1978, p. 226.

8 See R.G. Hawtrey, The Art of Central Banking, Frank Cass and Co., Ltd., London, 1962, p. 274.

9 Even though many countries do not now operate under a fixed rate system, understanding its operation is important in order to grasp the international LOLR function under current exchange rate arrangements.

10 See, for example, Robert Mundell, "The Future of the Exchange Rate System," Paper Prepared for the Rocca di Salimbeni Conference, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Siena, Italy, November 24, 1994, p.12.

11 To a lesser extent, Japanese yen and German marks have served these purposes.

12 The IMF can borrow from world capital markets, although it has never chosen to do so.

13 Geoffrey Wood, "A Lender of Last Resort? It's a Foolish Proposition," Wall Street Journal, Thursday, October 29, 1998 (parenthesis added).

14 See William A. Niskanen, "Reshaping the Global Financial Architecture: A Comment," Paper presented at Cato Institute's 16th Annual Monetary Conference cosponsored with the Economist, October 22, 1998, Washington, DC. See also Anna Schwartz, "Time to Terminate the ESF and the IMF," Foreign Policy Briefing, Cato Institute, August 26, 1998, pp. 6-7.

15 Substantial restructuring of the IMF, however, could change this situation. For a recent proposal to restructure the IMF, see Charles W. Calomiris, "Blueprints for a New Global Financial Architecture," Joint Economic Committee, October 7, 1998.

16 Since the global economy is closed, the international LOLR need not be concerned about external drains; attention can be focused on satisfying liquidity demands.

17 International reserve-creating central banks should never lend to insolvent institutions via the discount window.

18 Mundell, Robert A., International Monetary Options, Cato Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, Spring 1983, p.191.

19 Responsible international LOLRs would absorb reserves later, after liquidity crises abate.

20 These data can be supplemented with data measuring changes of liquidity preference, various risk spreads, bank stock movements, and other data pertaining to financial crises.

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