Congressman Mike Ross, Fourth Congressional District of Arkansas

Volume 5, Issue 1,
January 6, 2006
Weekly Newsletter



Agriculture Listening Sessions

As the New Year begins to unfold, the 2007 Farm Bill will be a top priority in the second session of the 109th Congress.  The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 expires in 2007 and I am committed to addressing the need for a comprehensive Farm Bill that will take effect in 2007.  A Farm Bill is written every five years, and the 2007 Farm Bill will be this nation’s agricultural policy until the year 2012.   A Farm Bill establishes a framework for agricultural policy and programs that provide America’s farm families with the tools and resources needed to continue providing our nation with a safe and reliable source of food and fiber. 

As an advocate for farm families throughout Arkansas, I feel that a crucial component of writing the 2007 Farm Bill is receiving feedback from farm families, understanding the positives and negatives of the 2002 Farm Bill and hearing ideas from local farmers as Congress begins to draft the 2007 Farm Bill.  In the United States, we are very fortunate to have a safe and abundant supply of food and fiber.  On Wednesday, January 11th, I will be hosting Agriculture Listening Sessions and am honored to have special guest and Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee, Collin Peterson of Minnesota, join me for the second consecutive year.  The Texarkana Listening Session will take place at the Four States Fair Grounds, 3700 East 50th Street at 9:00 a.m. The Dumas Listening Session will be held at the Dumas Community Center, 18 Belmont Street in Dumas, Arkansas at 3:00 p.m.   These sessions will give us an opportunity to hear directly from farm families as we prepare to write the 2007 Farm Bill.  Congressman Peterson and I want to get thoughts and ideas on ways to improve our nation’s farm policy and ensure our farm families have the proper tools and resources they need. 

Every five years, Congress is given the opportunity to author a new Farm Bill, improving upon programs from the previous Farm Bill and handed a chance to fight for new programs needed by our nation’s deserving farm families.  Among other things, this rewrite of the Farm Bill bestows upon us a chance to create additional markets for our farmers, especially permanent agriculture disaster assistance programs, and promote the production and use of bio fuels.

As your Representative in Congress, I believe an integral part of my job is to personally meet with constituents throughout the district and learn about community issues and matters of local concern.  As the Farm Bill will be a top priority for this session of the 109th Congress, I sincerely hope that you will attend and encourage your family and friends who have a personal interest in the 2007 Farm Bill to attend these listening sessions.  As your voice in our nation’s capital, I am committed to providing a real safety net for farm families in Arkansas and across America.  In order to be as effective as possible, I need to hear your feedback, thoughts, and suggestions as we embark on writing this critical legislation that directly impacts America’s farm families.


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