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Office of the Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer
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» House Gop’s Budget Resolution Is A Cruel Trick On The American People, March 13, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer released the following statement today regarding the Republican fiscal year 2003 budget which is to be considered on the House Floor next week...

» House Republican Budget: Even Worse Than The President’s, March 13, 2003
U.S. Rep. John Spratt (D-SC) issued the following statement today on the House Republican budget...

» Hoyer Hammers Reckless Republican Budget, March 12, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in response to the outlines of the House Republican’s Fiscal Year 2004 Budget...

» As Bush Budget Moves Forward, Hoyer And Blue Dogs Hit Republicans For Raising Debt Limit, March 11, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) and leaders of the Blue Dog Coalition spoke out today on the need to raise the debt limit for the second time in a year following years of budget surplus, and the damaging consequences of President Bush’s fiscally irresponsible budget plan. The following is Congressman Hoyer’s statement as prepared for delivery...

» Hoyer Calls Republican Union Bashing “Shameful”, March 10, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer released the following statement today in response to news reports of the latest incident of a Republican Member of Congress, Representative Joe Wilson (R-S.C.), bashing unions in an effort to raise campaign contributions...

» Hoyer Calls Republican Union Bashing “Shameful”, March 10, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer released the following statement today in response to news reports of the latest incident of a Republican Member of Congress, Representative Joe Wilson (R-S.C.), bashing unions in an effort to raise campaign contributions...

» Hoyer Applauds Republican Failure to Attach Special Interest Tax Provisions to Bipartisan Tax Relief Bill, March 06, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) applauded the failure of House Republicans to pass a bill today they had loaded down with special interest tax provisions. Democrats supported the underlying bill which gave tax relief to members of the armed services...

» Republican Leadership Postpones Tax Relief For Service Men & Women To Protect GOP Special Interest Provisions, March 06, 2003
The House Republican Leadership today cancelled consideration of H.R. 878, a bill providing tax relief targeted to men and women in the armed services, because they lacked the votes to prevent Democrats from stripping several unrelated special interest tax breaks from the bill...

» Bush Administration's Drug Plan A Thinly Veiled Attack On Medicare, March 04, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today regarding competing prescription drug proposals offered by the Bush Administration and House Democrats today...

» Don't Blame Injured Patients For Doctors' Insurance Woes, March 04, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in response to the President's statement on medical malpractice issues...


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