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Monday, November 13, 2006
Office of the Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer
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» Hoyer: Republicans Have Forgotten the Uninsured, May 01, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after President Bush made remarks to the American Hospital Association regarding health care initiatives and Health Savings Accounts. This week is recognized as “Cover the Uninsured Week.”

» Hoyer Calls for Pay Parity Following House Committee Action on Military Pay, April 28, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after the House Arm-- Services Committee called this week for members of the military to receive a pay raise of 2.7 percent in 2007, which is higher than the 2.2 percent raise the Bush Administration requested in its FY07 budget proposal in February for both military and civilian employees:

» Hoyer: More Profits for Big Oil,More Frustration for American Drivers, More Political Posturing from Republicans, April 27, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in response to an announcement by Exxon Mobil Corp, the world’s largest publicly traded oil company, that its 1st quarter profit is up 7% over last year’s to more than $8 billion and Speaker Hastert’s statement that Republicans would bring energy provisions to the House Floor in the coming week:

» Hoyer Statement in Favor of Iran Freedom Support Act, April 26, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in favor of H.R. 282, the Iran Freedom Support Act, which passed the House today by a vote of 397 to 21:

» Hoyer: Congress Must Act to Ensure Workers’ Safety, April 26, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement regarding an article in The Hill reporting that employees of the Architect of the Capitol (AoC) working in utility tunnels may have been exposed to asbestos levels over the personal exposure limit set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration:

» Hoyer: Republicans’ Nonexistent Energy Strategy Is Another Example of Inexcusable Incompetence, April 25, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after President Bush spoke at the Renewable Fuels Summit 2006 in Washington:

» Hoyer: It’s Time for the President to Lead on Immigration Reform, April 24, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement this afternoon after President Bush addressed a group in Irvine, California, on immigration reform:

» Hoyer: Earth Day 2006 Demands a Clear-Eyed Assessment of Environmental Dangers, and an Acceptance of Our Responsibility , April 21, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in recognition of the 36th Anniversary of Earth Day, which will be observed on Saturday, April 22:

» Hoyer Statement on the President’s Nomination of Portman to Head OMB, and Schwab to be USTR, April 18, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after President Bush announced the nomination of former Rep. Rob Portman (R-OH), the current U.S. Trade Representative, to be the director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the promotion of Deputy Trade Representative Susan Schwab to replace Portman as Trade Representative:

» Hoyer: Republican Refusal to Take Up Real Tax Reform Exemplifies a Party That Has No Energy and No Agenda, April 17, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement as millions of Americans navigated our nation’s increasingly complicated tax code and prepared to file their annual income tax returns before the filing deadline today:


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