Making of the Charters The Declaration of Independence The Constitution The Bill of Rights Impact of the Charters High Resolution Images
Download High-Resolution Images of the Declaration, Constitution, Bill of Rights and much more! Meet America's Founding Fathers: Learn about George Washington and the 54 other Delagates to the Constitutional Convention
Displayed in the Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom, these immense murals have been restored to their original beauty Choose a pen and  add your name to the Declaration of Independence alongside our Forefathers


Checks and Balances in the Age of Instant Messaging: A Congressional Perspective panel discussion

William G. McGowan Annual Forum on Communications and Technology

Video PlayerI.Senator Byrd's Remarks
II. Federalism
III. Checks and Balances

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Presidential historian Michael Beschloss moderates this discussion with members of Congress on the impact of high-speed communications, instantaneous news, and public expectations of quick results on basic constitutional principles such as "separation of powers" and "federalism."

House Majority Whip Roy Blunt and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer participate in the program. The discussion addresses if and how the Founding Fathers’ blueprint for deliberative democracy should be adapted to a world reshaped by communications technology.



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