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In recent weeks, the issue of illegal immigration has been at the forefront of public debate. Our country is faced with a situation where 11 million individuals have crossed the border and now reside in the United States illegally. I have always been a supporter of America as the land of opportunity. Each of our families has a story of their migration to this great land. However, whatever reform is enacted must not reward illegal activity. This would only serve to worsen the situation at hand.

I do not support amnesty. Citizenship is a privilege, as are the rights and entitlements thereof. Those who have broken the law have not earned the right to an unfair advantage over those who pursue citizenship legally. Additionally, we must support greater resources of manpower and infrastructure, above what Congress has previously authorized to secure our border. Operational control must be our top priority.

I am supportive of HR 4437; the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. This bill passed the House on December 16, 2005 with a 57-vote margin. Specific measures include increasing the number of border patrol officers, imposing tougher penalties on those who smuggle illegal aliens, a new employee verification system used by employers, and fence construction targeted at high-incident areas along the border. Beginning with this tough approach, we will start to better secure our borders and greatly curb the flow of illegal immigration.

Once the Senate passes a bill addressing this problem, the House will select delegates to form a conference committee. I will continue to support positive reform that will strengthen enforcement and discourage illegal activity.

For more information on this topic, please view the resources below.
See my weekly column – “Immigration: On the Road to Reform”, January 27, 2006
Full Description of House-passed bill H.R. 4437



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