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Local GOP praises president’s plans, Dems question if funding will exist

Albuquerque, Jan 21, 2004 - Republican Senator Pete Domenici says the president laid out a clear leadership agenda for the coming year while local Democrats questioned whether the president is willing to put his money where his mouth.

Domenici says Bush sent a message that he is very courageous and he's a rock-solid leader.

Republican Representative Heather Wilson says she was most eager to see the proposals Bush laid out in his speech to increase funding for advance placement and science and math programs in low-income schools, and to help small businesses afford health care.

Representative Steve Pearce says the president articulated that the country now has to be as smart as it is strong. Pearce agrees with Bush's plan to make tax relief permanent to support economic growth.

Senator Jeff Bingaman and Representative Tom Udall are skeptical about the plans for the upcoming year laid out by the president.

The Democrats questioned whether President Bush is willing to put his money where his mouth.
Udall says his concern is the economy. He says over two (m) million jobs have been lost and it looks like many manufacturing jobs won't return.

Udall and Bingaman expressed concern that the president may not provide the necessary funds to address health care reform and his No Child Left Behind education package.

Bingaman says Bush made it seem as if his only prescription on the job front was tax cuts.

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