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Contact: Wallace McCleskey/ Carlsbad Current Argus

Pearce comes through for local veteran

Washington, May 1, 2004 - Editor:

I’d like to tell you a story about a local politician. It’s a happy story — a story that is seldom heard these days.
I’m a veteran of World War II and for the past 57 years, I have tried to get the Department of Veterans Affairs to do the right thing about my service-connected injuries. There have been years and years of correspondence to area VA officials, but no one would listen. All I could get was spin stories and out-and-out lies. My records were destroyed with the old excuse, “Your records have been lost.”
About a year ago, Rep. Steve Pearce made a visit to Carlsbad, and I attended the meeting. Mr. Pearce made a speech and then he asked the people for any input we cared to make.
I told him of all my troubles with the Veterans Affairs Department, and he listened. He had one of his people, Mrs. Cindy Willard, take my phone number and address. I left the meeting thinking, “Oh, it’s just another useless attempt.” But I was wrong.
In a short while, I heard from Mrs. Willard in Roswell, and an exchange of letters began. Soon my case was in the Washington VA courts. After only a year after first talking with Mr. Pearce and Mrs. Willard, my case was heard by the Board of Veterans Appeals in Washington, D.C., and the board ruled in my favor.
Now, folks, we all know many negative stories about politicians. I spent 57 years writing and talking to no avail, but Mr. Pearce is of a different mold. He listened and did something to correct a wrong.
Thank you, Mr. Pearce and Mrs. Cindy Willard. I am very, very grateful.

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