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Minimum Wage


The Bush Economy has not been kind to working Americans. Health care costs, gas and energy prices, and rising college tuition costs are forcing families across the country to make difficult choices. This burden has been especially heavy on those who rely on a minimum wage to support themselves and their families.

At $5.15 per hour, the minimum wage is now at its lowest level in 50 years, adjusted for inflation. A minimum wage earner working full-time all year will earn just $10,700, well below the poverty line. The most basic needs of survival simply cannot be met – it takes a full day’s work for a minimum wage earner to pay for just one tank of gas. This is unjust and un-American.

House Democrats, led by Education and Workforce Committee Ranking Member George Miller and House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, have been fighting to right this wrong. Democrats have legislation to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour over two years. At least 7.3 million people would benefit from this raise, including 1.8 million parents with children.

But House Republicans have repeatedly blocked any attempt to improve the lives of those who must survive on a minimum wage. The Republican Leadership has even refused to bring the must-pass Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations Bill because it included a Democratic amendment to increase the minimum wage. Republicans will now try every trick in the book in order to remove this amendment from the bill.

An overwhelming 86 percent of Americans support a raise in the minimum wage. Contrary to arguments from the other side of the aisle, there is no evidence of job loss following minimum wage increase - in fact, studies show that small businesses would benefit by a minimum wage increase. It is the compassionate thing to do, it is the fair thing to do, and it is the right thing to do. The minimum wage should be a living wage, and $5.15 an hour does not meet that standard.


Minimum wage votes >>


Multimedia - House Democrats speak out >>



Rep. George Miller August 18, 2006
By Rep. George Miller

Rep. Steny Hoyer July 12, 2006
By Rep. Steny Hoyer


Rep. George Miller July 12, 2006
By Rep. George Miller

Rep. George Miller July 11, 2006


Rep. Nancy Pelosi June 28, 2006
By Rep. Nancy Pelosi


Rep. David Obey June 27, 2006
By Rep. David Obey

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