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Energizing America

Rep. Etheridge, Leader Pelosi, Rep. Clyburn

House Democrats Unveil Comprehensive Biodiesel Energy Package

As gasoline prices skyrocket, Americans are feeling the pain at the pump, and are worried about the security of our nation and our growing dependence on foreign oil. While these are serious and long-term challenges, the answer to this problem is right here at home.

Investing in America will lead us to energy independence. America has the technology and the resources to make our own fuel from the crops we grow in our fields. From corn-based ethanol in the Midwest, to biodiesel from soybeans in North Carolina, our fields abound with crops that can be converted into biofuels to power our cars and trucks.

While the challenge of the energy crisis is real, American innovation and know-how can be put to work to achieve energy independence from Middle East oil in the next 10 years. America can develop emerging technologies to process homegrown alternative fuels. A sustained investment in research and development is crucial to creating cutting-edge technologies that allow us to develop these clean, sustainable energy alternatives and capitalize on America’s vast renewable natural resources.

Unless we make these critical investments in America’s heartland and ingenuity, our economy and our national security will continue to be subject to volatile world oil markets and the whims of countries like Saudi Arabia. It simply doesn’t make sense to depend on foreign countries for our energy needs, when we can control our own energy supply through homegrown renewable fuels. Not only will a strong American-made biofuels industry provide a stable source of fuel, but it will have the added benefit of creating good-paying jobs in rural America.  In his 2006 State of the Union speech in January, President Bush called for “an energy independent America.”

Unfortunately, his budget does not match his ambitious rhetoric. And more recently, he has proposed importing ethanol from other countries as the answer to our energy crisis. Depending on foreign sources of energy got us into this situation – do we really want to go down that road again with biofuels?

The Democratic Rural Working Group plan is a commitment to America and its vast resources and ingenuity. Our comprehensive plan provides tax incentives to encourage increased biofuels production, increases the number of flex fuel vehicles on the road, and expands the ethanol and biodiesel pumps at gas stations. It would increase research and development to create cutting-edge technologies for biofuels, including new refining processes and new vehicle technologies -- so that this emerging renewable energy source will be successful in ending our dependence on foreign oil.

Learn more about the Democratic Rural Working Group's plan

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