House - Respuestas verdaderas, ahora.
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What type of investigation into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina do you favor?


An independent commission of experts


With Republicans in Congress investigating themselves


No investigation is necessary

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Over the last three years, hundreds of thousands of American jobs have been shipped overseas. From accountants and computer programmers to factory personnel, American workers are losing their jobs because companies are outsourcing their production so they can hire workers abroad at lower prices.

Today, many companies that ship jobs to other countries receive federal tax breaks. This means that the current tax code actually encourages companies to move their production centers out of the U.S. to cut costs.

The Administration supports this strategy, and House Republicans have voted to expand tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas. In contrast, Democrats want to end those tax breaks and instead cut taxes for companies that keep American jobs here in the U.S. These cuts will encourage companies to keep factories and jobs here, and give them the capital they need to grow and fuel our economy.

We can further convince companies to stay here and hire American workers by investing in research and development. The House Democrats Innovation Agenda commits the country to a path of reinvesting in American workers and American businesses. With an additional $40 billion towards science, engineering and mathematics research and development, U.S. workers will able to create new industries. Better education for students preparing to enter the workforce will mean a workforce that is ready for the global economy. Keeping American workers the best trained in the world will lead to better technology, new products and a stronger American economy.

We must also support the companies and people that have already been hurt by outsourcing. U.S. businesses that use American workers are struggling with soaring healthcare costs for their employees while they compete with companies that cut costs by shipping jobs overseas. Experts say at least half a million jobs have been outsourced over the past five years, while record numbers of American workers have been unemployed so long that they have exhausted their unemployment benefits.

Our businesses and industries need tax credits and affordable healthcare so they have more money available to grow, hire, and compete against companies that do outsource. And workers who have lost their jobs need training so they can rejoin the workforce and unemployment benefits to buy necessities in the meantime - in fact, economists have estimated that each dollar of unemployment benefits leads to $1.73 in economic growth. Rebuilding our highways and railways, improving our security and cleaning our water would also create another 2 million opportunities to put Americans to work.

Democrats believe American policies should reflect American values - help for working families, protecting American jobs and rewards for companies that invest in our country. Our plan will stop the flow of jobs to other countries and start creating them here.

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Cifras Reales
2.9 million

2.9 million manufacturing jobs have been lost since the beginning of the Bush Administration. (National Economic Council)

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