House - Respuestas verdaderas, ahora.
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What type of investigation into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina do you favor?


An independent commission of experts


With Republicans in Congress investigating themselves


No investigation is necessary

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Veterans' Earned Benefits

Democrats believe that our troops should be taken care of when we send them into battle and that they should be given our respect when we bring them home. But Republicans are refusing to keep their promise and provide these veterans and military retirees with the retirement benefits they earned serving our country.
Full funding of retirement benefits for disabled veterans – ending the Disabled Veterans Tax.
Many veterans who retire from the military with a service-related disability are not permitted to collect both retirement and disability pay concurrently. This means that many disabled military retirees are forced to give up one dollar of their pension for every dollar of disability pay they receive. Democrats are leading the fight to reverse this tax on disabled veterans.

Republican plan did not end Disabled Veterans Tax for hundreds of thousands of disabled veterans. Republicans blocked efforts to repeal the Disabled Veterans Tax, which forces disabled veterans and military retirees to give up one dollar of their pension for every dollar of disability pay they receive. Instead, they enacted a plan that takes ten years to phase in benefits and requires two-thirds of military retirees with service-connected disabilities to continue to pay the Disabled Veterans Tax. The American Legion called this plan "unsatisfactory."

Democrats want to end this veterans tax immediately. The Democratic plan would authorize full payment of both retirement pay and disability compensation to the 400,000 disabled military retirees left behind by Republicans and would take effect immediately.


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Many Americans are worried about retirement security, and whether the combination of Social Security, their 401(k) plan or pension, and their savings will be enough. And now, Republicans want to privatize Social Security, saying the program is no longer sustainable. This risky proposal threatens the only secure retirement income for millions of Americans.
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