Appropriations Bills

Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA
Energy and Water Development
Foreign Affairs
Homeland Security
Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA
Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education
Legislative Branch
Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs
Science, State, Justice, and Commerce
Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development
Emergency Suplementals
Emergency Supplementals

Fiscal Year 2007, H.R. 5631, Public Law 109-289, 9/29/06
$70 billion attached to the FY 2007 Defense Appropriations Bill for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Global War on Terror.

Democratic Views of the Bill as filed with the Committee Report

Chart: DOD Funding for Iraq, Afghanistan and Operation Noble Eagle FY 2001 – 2007 6/20/06

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2006, H.R. 4939, Public Law 109-234, 7/15/06
$84.5 billion for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Global War on Terror, hurricane disaster relief, border security, and Avian Flu preparedness.

Democratic Views of the Bill as filed with the Committee Report

Report: A New "Truman" Investigative Committee Against Fraud, Waste and Abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan 3/08/06

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2006, H.R. 4745, Public Law 109-174, 2/19/06
$1.254 billion for the Small Business Administration’s disaster loans accounts.

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2006, H.R. 2863, Public Law 109-148, 12/30/05
$32.561 billion attached to the FY 2006 Defense Appropriations Bill to fund Katrina recovery and Avian Flu preparedness.

Democratic Views of the Bill as filed with the Committee Report

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2005, H.R.  3673, Public Law 109-62, 9/8/05
$51.8, for the second Emergency Supplemental to fund needs arising from the consequences of Hurricane Katrina.

News Release: Homeland Security Conference Accepts Obey Requirements for Katrina Reports 9/29/05
News Release: Bush Administration Still Can’t Say Where Katrina Money is Going - FEMA’s 2nd Report on Katrina Funds as Vague as the First 9/23/05
News Release: Katrina - Administration Reports on How It’s Spending over $60 Billion so Vague as to be Useless 9/16/05
Obey-Byrd Letter to Bolton, Guidelines for Reports on Katrina Funds 9/14/05

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2005, H.R.  3645, Public Law 109-61, 9/2/05
$10.5 billion for the immediate needs arising from the consequences of Hurricane Katrina.

Report: A Story of Neglect: FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers and Hurricane Katrina 9/07/05

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2005, H.R. 2361, Public Law 109-54, 8/2/05
$1.5 billion attached to the FY 2006 Interior Appropriations Bill to fill for needs related to Veterans healthcare.

News Release: Democrats Instruct Interior Conferees to Include $1.5 billion for Veterans Healthcare 7/26/05
News Release: GOP Underfunds Veterans Healthcare 5/26/05

Fact Sheet: How the Republican Budget Impacts Veterans 4/30/05

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2005, H.R. 1268, Public Law 109-13, 5/11/05
$83.555 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Global War on Terror, and tsunami relief.

Democratic Views of the Bill as filed with the Committee Report

Report: Iraq on the Installment Plan: How the Administration Hides the Cost of the War 6/15/05

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2005, H.R. 4837, Public Law 108-324, 10/13/04
$14.528 billion attached to the FY 2005 Military Construction Appropriations Bill for hurricane disaster assistance.

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2004, H.R. 5005, Public Law 108-303, 9/8/04
$2 billion for emergency disaster relief and small business loans after the Florida Hurricanes.

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2005, H.R. 4613, Public Law 108-287, 8/5/04
$28.256 billion attached to the FY 2005 Defense Appropriations bill to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Global War on Terror.

Democratic Views of the Bill as filed with the Committee Report

Fact Sheet: The Failed Republican Record on Iraq 11/15/04
News Release: Iraq Reprogramming: Admission of a Policy Failure 9/14/04
News Release: Obey Amendment To Defense Bill Requires Five Year War Cost Estimate 6/16/04
Report: Iraq Aid Package is No Marshall Plan 6/08/04
News Release: Obey To Rumsfeld: “This is not a Real Budget" 2/13/04

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2004, H.R. 2657, Public Law 108-83, 9/30/03
$933 million attached to the FY 2004 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill disaster relief and the Space Shuttle Columbia accident. 

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2004, H.R. 3289, Public Law 108-106, 9/6/03
$87.583 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Global War on Terror..

Democratic Views of the Bill as filed with the Committee Report

Obey Statement: Bush Budget Invests Billions in Iraq at the Expense of the U.S. Needs 9/17/03

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2003, H.R. 2859, Public Law 108-69, 8/8/03
$984 million for disaster relief.

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2003, H.R. 1559, Public Law 108-11, 4/16/03
$79.193 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Global War on Terror.

Democratic Views of the Bill as filed with the Committee Report

Report: The Bush Administration, the Supplemental and the Power of the Purse 4/08/03  

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2002, H.R. 4775, Public Law 107-206, 8/2/02
$26.554 billion for Defense, Homeland Security and other needs.

Democratic Views of the Bill as filed with the Committee Report

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2002, H.R. 3338, Public Law 107-117, 1/10/02
$20 billion, second bill to respond to the events of September 11th, 2001.

Democratic Views of the Bill as filed with the Committee Report

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2001, H.R. 2888, Public Law 107-38, 9/18/01
$20 billion for additional disaster assistance, for anti-terrorism initiatives, and for assistance in the recovery from the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001.

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status


Fiscal Year 2001, H.R. 2216, Public Law 107-20, 7/24/01
$8.979 billion for national security, disaster relief, and energy assistance.

Democratic Views of the Bill as filed with the Committee Report

Bill Information: Text, Congressional Action, Status