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November 3, 2006
More about Edward Markey

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), a senior member of the House Homeland Security Committee and co-chair of the Bipartisan Task Force on Non-Proliferation, released the following statement on the Administration’s posting on the Internet of data found in Iraq releasing secret nuclear bomb construction details.

Today’s reports that highlight the Bush Administration’s attempt to rebut critics of their claims that Iraq had WMD programs by posting sensitive information found in Iraq on how to build nuclear weapons on the Internet has endangered people’s lives.  The Bush Administration and Republicans in Congress have pursued a hypocritical and dangerous approach to safeguarding sensitive information.  First, they claim a need for secrecy when it comes to politically damaging information about lack of progress or security in Iraq.   Then they leak the name of a covert intelligence agent, and now they post secret directions on the Internet revealing damaging details on the manufacture of nuclear weapons because it suits their current political purposes.  This is no joke – the Bush Administration and the GOP Congress have shown a reckless disregard for American lives and American security.   We need to take this country in a new direction.
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House and Senate Democrats unveiled the comprehensive Democratic plan to protect America: Real Security. The Democratic plan for Real Security will protect Americans and restore our country’s position of international leadership. Despite their tough talk, Republican's incompetence has made America less safe. Democrats offer policies to provide the real security that Americans expect and demand.

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The out-of-pocket costs typically paid while in the "donut hole" is up to $3,600 per beneficiary.

Source:Medicare Rights Center

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