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The War in Iraq


Democrats strongly support our brave men and women in uniform and the recognize the sacrifices they have made in Iraq, and their families have made at home. Sadly, the level of their sacrifice has never been matched by the Administration's planning, and our troops are paying the price on the ground. The war in Iraq has come at great cost. More than 2,500 of our troops have lost their lives, and thousands more have suffered lasting wounds. Since the war began, Congress has appropriated nearly $320 billion, and the United States has suffered devastating damage to our reputation in the eyes of the world.

The war in Iraq has even driven some of our fighting generals to level devastating public criticism on the Bush Administration. General Anthony Zinni, a former commander of U.S. Central Command said “We are paying the price for the lack of credible planning, or the lack of a plan. Ten years worth of planning were thrown away, troop levels dismissed out of hand...These were strategic mistakes, mistakes of policy made back here.”

Yet rather than holding the Administration accountable for its poor planning and mismanagement of the Iraq War, Republicans in Congress have rubberstamped the Bush Administration’s policy. Republicans have failed to conduct oversight to make sure that our troops are properly equipped, they have failed to demand accountability so that taxpayers’ dollars are not wasted on no-bid contracts for Halliburton, and they have failed to insist on a strategy to bring our troops home safely and soon. Since the fall of 2003, Democrats have demanded that the President develop a plan for Iraq and a strategy for success, including clear benchmarks for measuring progress. And yet more than three years after the war began, the President has still failed to develop such a plan, instead calling for “staying the course" in Iraq with an open-ended commitment and no end in sight.

Democrats want a new direction – ensuring that 2006 is a year of significant transition with Iraqis assuming responsibility for their country and with the responsible redeployment of U.S. forces.

House Democrats Speak Out on Iraq

Democratic Leader Pelosi: It is Time to Face the Facts

Watch Democratic Leader Pelosi on the House Floor

Democratic Whip Hoyer: America's National Security Deserves a Real Debate, Not a Republican Charade

Generals Speak Out on Iraq

The war in Iraq has even driven some of our fighting generals to level devastating public criticism on the Bush Administration. Read their comments >>

The Democratic Plan for Real Security

Despite their tough talk, Republican's incompetence has made America less safe. Americans want and deserve change. Democrats’ plan for Real Security will protect Americans and restore our country’s position of international leadership. Learn more about Real Security >>

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