Minority Health Care

Access to high quality health care should be something that all Americans enjoy regardless of where they live or what race or ethnicity they are. However, racial and ethnic minorities are too often denied the high quality health care many other Americans receive. The rates of uninsured among minority communities are too high, and their chances of getting the care they need too low. Democrats are pushing an agenda to raise the standard of health care for minority communities.

Reducing the effects of disease. Minority populations suffer more from a number of diseases, like diabetes, stroke, heart disease, cancer, asthma and HIV/AIDS. Democrats would support activities to train providers to care for racially and ethnically diverse populations and address health prevention measures such as immunization, nutrition and physical activity.

Ensuring better health facilities for minority communities. Along with health insurance, access to health care providers is critical for creating health parity. Public hospitals and community health centers disproportionately serve minority populations. Democrats would support and strengthen the capacity of those health institutions by providing financial resources for delivering care, as well as loans and grants to provide for needed improvements in existing facilities.

Insuring the uninsured. In order to close disparities in health care, it is essential to close the insurance gap. The uninsured rate is about one-in-five for African Americans and Asian Americans and almost one-in-three for Hispanics, far above the rate of one-in-ten for white Americans. This legislation would give states flexibility to provide federally subsidized coverage to more working parents, young adults 18 to 20, and other Americans who find it hard to afford insurance.

Learn more about the Democratic Principles for Addressing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities