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 P R E S S  R E L E A S E - Wednesday April 20, 2005 this is an invisible spacer image
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Washington, DC – Today, Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Miller (R-FL-01) held a hearing to receive testimony on the Department of Veterans Affairs’ National Cemetery Administration (NCA).  The purpose of the hearing was to examine the policy and operational issues facing NCA, including short- and long-term goals with respect to new cemetery construction, and what efforts NCA is taking to address the 928 restoration and repair projects identified in 2002 by the Logistics Management Institute.  The Subcommittee also took testimony on the State Cemetery Grants Program.   

“Our Nation’s final gesture of gratitude to servicemembers and veterans is burial in a national cemetery.  I am committed to ensuring that VA cemeteries reflect our commitment by maintaining these areas as national shrines, which is why NCA oversight was the subcommittee’s first hearing of the 109th Congress,” Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Miller said.  

Picture of Mr. Richard Wannemacher, Jr., Acting Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs, testified on behalf of the Administration.  Mr. Wannemacher was accompanied by Mr. Daniel Tucker, Director of the Office Finance and Planning at NCA, and Mr. G. William Jayne, Director of State Cemetery Grants Service.Mr. Richard Wannemacher, Jr., Acting Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs, testified on behalf of the Administration.  Mr. Wannemacher was accompanied by Mr. Daniel Tucker, Director of the Office Finance and Planning at NCA, and Mr. G. William Jayne, Director of State Cemetery Grants Service. 

Further testimony was provided by: 

Brigadier General (Ret.) Leslie Beavers, President of the National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs;  Mr. John Fitch, Jr., Senior Vice President for Advocacy, National Funeral Directors Association; Mr. Paul Elvig, Vice President of Products and Services, and Chairman of the Federal Affairs Subcommittee, International Cemetery and Funeral Association; and Mr. Richard Jones, Legislative Director of AMVETS. 

Picture of Brigadier General (Ret.) Leslie Beavers, President of the National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs;  Mr. John Fitch, Jr., Senior Vice President for Advocacy, National Funeral Directors Association; Mr. Paul Elvig, Vice President of Products and Services, and Chairman of the Federal Affairs Subcommittee, International Cemetery and Funeral Association; and Mr. Richard Jones, Legislative Director of AMVETS. 

“In a 2004 survey by the American Customer Satisfaction Index, NCA received a higher rating than any participating federal agency or private organization had ever received – 95 out of a possible 100 points.  The quality of service provided by the staff at VA’s national cemeteries is excellent.  We received first-rate feedback from the witnesses today, and I look forward to working with NCA officials and interested stakeholders,” Chairman Miller said. 

Tomorrow,  the House & Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees will host the sixth in a series of joint hearings.  Veterans service organizations planning to attend include the Fleet Reserve Association, Air Force Sergeants Association and Gold Star Wives. 

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